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Sunday 10th December 2023

Sunday 10th December

It’s time where times are swapped for tinsel and PBS are replaced with presents so we are light on the event front this week. For those wanting to delve into some December racing next year Telford, bolsover and Percy pud are all ones to consider. More importantly back to SADRC and this week our community helped the community with runners from horncastle, skeg and spilsby making generous donations to the local food banks before their respective club runs.

The club nights are also taking a festive turn with a Christmas tree pit stop in Spilsby and the Boston Christmas social where 20 runners descended on the Roper Arms Italian Bistro to swap secret Santa presents including some avocados, a million piece jigsaw & safety pins and also enjoy some delicious food.

There was also some park run activity despite the winter weather truly kicking in with a strong contingent of SADRC runners at Boston. Steven Dowse & Becki Atkinson were further a field collecting their V for their park run alphabet challenge at Victoria Docks Park Run in London and getting soaked in the process. Last but definately not least, well done to our ballot winner, Darren Fissenden, we look forward to seeing you on the start line of London marathon next year.

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