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Sunday 11th June 2023


Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Woodhall Spa 10km

Woodhall Spa 10km makes its return after covid with a brand new organiser, Curley's Athletes! The much loved and popular race returns, with 1200 runners in the event. A race that comes on sale, and sells out 18 months before the race date! You have to be keen, and get in quick!

Congratulations to all 30+ runners that took part in the event this morning. What a fantastic turn out for SADRC. It it one of our most popular races over the year, even with the temperatures soaring every year, its still very popular.

Lee Mullan ran it home for SADRC finishing 5th this year. Lee smashed home a PB time of 33:47, incredible running especially after such a fantastic race last week at Grimsby. Roles reversed this weekend for 2nd and 3rd and this time Steven Dowse finished 2nd for SADRC in a time of 34:53 (6 seconds behind his PB) and Luke Haynes finishing 11th in 35:13. Luke's running has improved no end since starting university in York, and its fantastic to see young legs joining the top speed gentleman in SADRC.

Jessica Gilbert finished first for the ladies for SADRC in a time of 50:48, followed 6 seconds behind by Alex South in a time of 50:54. Great running from Jess, especially after running a 20 mile race last weekend with Amy Mitchell who finished 3rd for SADRC in 52:25. Great running from 3 great ladies who are getting faster and faster.

James Willis was presented a prize for finishing first in his age category, 70-74 finishing in a time of 45:27 along with Luke Haynes on the other end of the spectrum finishing first in his age category, juniors in a time of 35:13. Its fantastic to see such a wide age grade of runners running races like this. It inspires so many people showing again doesn't matter your age, you can always run!

There are countless of mentions for SADRC as we have a huge 30+ runners running the race for SADRC. Special mentions go to Kate Carpenter (53:43), Julia Rayson (58:31), Phillip Weaver (38:55), Tracey Collings (53:17), Kate Howard (57:58) and Sarah Lea (55:10) who all ran a PB race at Woodhall Spa 10km. Excellent running especially in very tough conditions!

A mention goes to Callum Hobson who ran his first ever 10km in a SADRC vest this morning running in a time of 45:24 which as a junior, who has just turned 16, is an incredible time, and it will great to see Callum grow with each race.

It's not all about PB's, it's all about being the very best you can be, as demonstrated by Jain Martin who knocked a full five-minutes off her best 10k time of 2022 and Emmajean Hearne by knocking more than a minute off her best 5k time of last year, way to go ladies!

What a fantastic race! Lets do it all again next year!

(Photos By Daniel Haynes: Thank You)

Croxby Crawl Double Lapper

A mention goes to these fantastic four who took part in the grooling Croxby Crawl Double Lapper in the Wednesday Night Series. Steven Dowse, Andy Shelton, James Willis, and Chris Hurst who all represeted SADRC in this race.

A very tough race, and one where Steven and James both agree, the double lapper is easier because it sets the tone and you can set your running better for the next lap! Crazy!

Congratulations Gentleman!

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