H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 2 0 2 3
The last week of 2022 was very busy and wonderful for SADRC
Revesby 5 Miler
Congratulations to all 10 runners who ran in the rain, mud and mud at the Christmas Revesby Trident Sports Events 5/10 miler this morning!
An absolute epic effort considering the conditions this morning! It was a mud feat for sure with 90% being off road!
Congratulations to Steven who crossed the line in 2nd place in the 10 miler race!
Hands up, who loves mud?!?
Thanks to all the Marshalls who helped this morning, including our very own Callum who gave up his morning to volunteer. Thank you!

Christmas Awards Party
A great night at the SADRC Club Christmas party. Celebrating a year of great running and love and support for our members. The evening started with music from Rich Taylor followed by a presentation of beautiful trophies to some very worthy winners. Then we ate, drank sang, we danced, we played Bongo Bingo with a star prize of an inflatable dinosaur. We laughed a lot and as always we made amazing memories.
For those unable to attend the winners of the Club Awards voted for by its members were as follows ~
Most Improved Male ~ Brian Darrington
Most Improved Female ~ Louise Darrington
Race Performance ~ Andy Shelton
Outstanding Achievement ~ Brian Darrington
Golden Oldie ~ James Willis
Most Valuable Club Person ~ Helena Shelton
Spirit of the Club Award ~ Sarah Thomas

Cleethorpes NYD 10km
What a way to spend New Years Day. Seventeen members headed over to Cleethorpes and ran the very well organised 10k.
Congratulations to Janet Harmston who was representing the club for the first time today and was 1st vet 60 lady. Also representing the club for the first time was Lauren Johnson who ran a great race in 50:30 minutes.
Massive kudos to Becca her first 10km in 14 months due to injury and she ran with Helena who is also coming back from injury running her first since April.
This race is the anniversary for the club which is now in its 8th year and what a better way to celebrate than head to the chippy!!
Well done to everyone who ran today and to all the marshals and organizers

Happy new year everyone!
We start back at club nights at Spilsby 6:30pm on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.