A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS for Sam Fox for running her second Ultra Marathon on Sunday! Salmon Serpent 50km Ultra; A 50km trial race running from Pentworth to Petersfield. It can be argued that it is one of the most beautiful routes in the South East taking in miles of outstanding countryside. Sam finished the route in 8 hours. What an incredible achievement! Sam described it as the toughest Ultra she has done. The toughest races will always bee the best achievements! Congratulations!
Next up was something a bit different. Emmjean Hearn competed in an Orienteering Race on Wednesday. Something different to the Wednesday night series but something very exciting and challenging. Emmajean competed in Skegness and finished 4th aswell as finishing 1st lady! The orienteering race was 5km in distance. The idea you have to navigate to find the best route but going through all the check points. You have to try and do this in the fastest time. You have no idea what position you finish in until everyone has finished.
If you would like to find out more about this, please get in touch with Emmajean who is more than happy to give you some more information about it. Give it a go, and try something new!
The Sting in the Tail Caistor 10km was on Sunday. SADRC had a huge turn out for the very popular yet challenging event. We had 19 participants running for an Ice Cream and Beer at the end. Derrick Carpenter finished first for SADRC in 43 minutes, on the dot. Sarah Dowling did it fofr the ladies finishing 2nd for SADRC in a time of 48:01.
Chris Hurst (48:16) and James Willis (50:12) crossed as 2nd and 3rd male for SADRC with Jannet Harmston (51:51) and Amy Mitchell (52:42) finishing 2nd and 3rd females for SADRC. Janet also finished first in her age category. Congratulations!
Mentions go to Lee Cook for finishing in 51 minutes flat, who is back marathon training after his epic Bike Ride which entailed travelling from Lincolnshire to Brighton in 3 days....as you do! Dave Kenyon finished in 51:01 which is a course record by nearly 2 minutes. Kate Carpenter raced (57:11) and quoted "Enjoyed that, even with the hills."
Well Done to everyone who took part in this challenging yet we keep coming back 10km!
Darren Fissenden and Leanne Rickett traveled to take part in the Winterton Agriculture 10 Mile race on Sunday. It is described as a medium to fast pace race through village and open countryside running on paths and open roads. Darren crossed the line in 1hr 11. The run was "windy, but an enjoyable morning looking round the show afterwards!" There was also cake at the end....There seems to be a theme with this running malarky!
We have had some great runs this week on Club Nights with fantastic turn outs. Thank you for coming along! If you would like more information on club nights, please get in touch.
Spilsby: Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Horncastle: Wednesday @ 6:30pm
Boston: Thursday @ 6:30pm
Skegness: Thursday @ 6:30pm