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Sunday 30th July 2023


This week saw one of Lincolnshire’s most popular running events Heckington 10 Mile Road Race take place with a strong turnout from SADRC. With the course open to the elements it is often a challenging event and this year was no different with the warmth and wind making it a tough morning. Despite its difficulties the event remains of the most well supported in the county with a big attraction being the opportunity to see and cheer on fellow runners on the route which certainly kept spirits high.

Congratulations to Lee Mullen who was first back for the club in a fantastic time of 56.56 achieving 5th place overall, a PB and a 5 minute improvement on his time from last year in the process. Next up was Steven Dowse with a course best (59.12) in 10th place and Brian Hawkins (1:04:48) in 29th. For the SADRC ladies Rebecca Atkinson was first for the club in a 6 minute course best of 01.28.34 followed by Amy Mitchell (01:29:58) and Sarah Thomas (01:47:35) who crossed the line with Shawn Thomas massively under their sub 2 hour goal. Also doing the club proud were Phillip Weaver (01.08.05), James Willis (01:19:30) and Lee Cook (01:22:24) with a PB. Due to an entry application handwriting discrepancy the V70 award was initially provided to the wrong recipient but eventually found its way to the rightful winner, our own James Willis, well done James. A special mention always goes to Janet Harmston who sadly had to withdraw from the race but still made it to the finish to support everyone home, wishing you a speedy recovery Janet.

Wednesday night saw the “fab five” tackle the second Clickem Inn 5 miler of the year. The event is organised by Wolds Vets Runners club and is a beautiful route throwing in an undulating finish for fun. However, once you conquer the hill it is just a short walk to the pub so it is always worth the climb.

Whilst the conditions were damp the performances certainly were not. Steven Dowse’s and Paul Jackson’s times of 28.19 and 30.10 earned them 2nd and 7th position overall. Rebecca Atkinson was first lady back for the club with a course best of 40.51, followed in sucession by Janet Harmston (41.11) and Alex South(41.22) all finishing within the top ten females.

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