Thursday 15th November 2020
This week we were in the finals of the Active Club Award from Active Lincs. We were up against tough competition from Lincoln City Foundation and Lindum Cricket Club.
The virtual ceremony was on Thursday and...WE WON! Active Club Award, sponsored by Bluecube Telecommunications. Skegness & District Running Club won the Active Club Award for their dedication to their members during lockdown.
This was an incredible achievement and we were blown away! A special mention was made by the judges to thank all the volunteers who make this club happen and put in the hard work each week around all four sites and behind the scenes!
Lockdown was tough, but this also showed how strong our members are. We came together and supported each other be it in virtual team challenges, virtual Parkrun, quizzes, phone calls, the list goes on.
Sports helps mental health on so many levels and the dedication and support not only SADRC showed it's members but all clubs in Lincolnshire is a true testiment to the hardwork of club volunteers and the importance of sports!
A huge congratulations to both Lindum Cricket Club and Lincoln City Football Club Academy who were in our category! An absolute honour to be in the same category with two fantastic clubs! It just shows how important sport has been for mental health during lockdown! Keep moving, keep active and keep talking!
A huge well done to all the winners and nominees! Thank you Active Lincs for your continued support.