Sunday 25th September 2022
ITS BACK...!!!
No, not King-Choge breaking his own world record in an average pace of 17.3 seconds per 100m in his marathon today. A new marathn record of 2:01:09
The famous Bollingbroke Breaker 10km! Its back, with a shiny new route and free drawstring bag....AND CAKE!!!
What a great day it was for running the Bolingbroke Breaker. We had 84 runners which was perfect as it left some cake for all the helpers too. Thank you so much to all the team of volunteers. We couldn't do it without you and thanks also to the runners who made it a great event.
First back for the club, and no.1 finisher was Steven Dowse with a time of 36:31 (his 2nd fastest 10km...with that hill of all things). Following Steven was Paul Jackson who finished 2nd with a time of 37.37 and Mark Sands who finished 4th with a time of 38.28.
For the ladies, crossing the line in the black and orange was Sarah Dowling (27th) with a time of 47.38, with Ruth Bullen (46th) in a time of 52.30 and Amy Lambley (56th) with a time of 55.15. Excellent running on a brand new course. That Horncastle Hill is even worse the other way round! A great day and FANTASTIC to see so many people attend a local club race!
Thank You to everyone involved, volunteers and runners alike!

Angela Thompson flew the flag at the Robin Hood Half on Sunday Morning. A late decisoon to run the race due to injury, but Angela went for it and 'really enjoyed it despite the dodgy leg.' There was great support out on the course which encouraged Angela to finish 14th lady overall as well as being 1st over 50 lady with a chip time of 1:34:02. CONGRATULATIONS!

Samantha Fox traveled to Sheffield with her sister to take part in the Sheffield 10km. It is their home city 10km but Sam said that she 'definitely does not miss the hills and grateful for the downhills to the finish!' Great running and finishing together in a time of 53.00.

Great running from everyone this weekend!
Well Done....and maybe go for a sprint 100m....See if you can do it in the same time as the GOAT OF MARATHON RUNNING!!